Shelach | שלח | "Send "

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Shelach | שלח | "Send "

Portion Outline

| Spies Sent into Canaan
Tribal Names 13:1-15
Moses Gives Charge 13:16-20
The Spies Survey the Land 13:21-25
| The Report of the Spies
The Land is Good but Powerful people Control It 13:26-29
The Land is Good and We Can’t Conquer It 13:30-33
| The People Rebel
The People Want to Go Back to Egypt 13:1-4
Joshua/Caleb Rebuke Their Fear 13:5-9
The People Want to stone them 13:10a
The Lord Wants to Destroy and Replace them 13:10b-12
| Moses Intercedes for the People
If You Destroy Them Your Fame will Diminish 14:13-16
If You Said V’hu Rachum You Must Honor it 14:17-19
I will Honor my V’hu Rachum but the People will be Disciplined 14:20-23
I will Honor Caleb my servant 14:24
I will Change Your Route 14:25
| An Attempted Invasion is Repulsed
Adonai’s future judgment is Given 14:26-35
Adonai’s immediate judgment is Given 14:36-38
Adonai’s judgment is ignored 14:39-43
Adonai’s judgment falls upon the people 14:44-45
| Various Offerings in the Land Vow/Freewill
Offering must have grain 15:1-4
Offering of wine and flour 15:5-7
Offering of Bull/Grain/Flour/Oil/Wine 15:8-12
Offering Laws are Universal 15:13-16
Offering of Meal/Annually Upon Entering Land 15:17-21
Offering Laws for Unintentional Sins Community 15:22-26
Young Bull
Offering Laws for Unintentional Sins Personal (Goat) 15:27-29
No Forgiveness for Intentional Sins 15:30-31
| Penalty for Violating the Sabbath - Case Study
Man Arrested for Violating Shabbat 15:32-34
Man Stoned for Violating Shabbat 15:35-36
| Fringes on Garments Keep From Violations
“The problem of entering the Land is the problem of assuming responsibility for the physical, financial, and practical sides of life. All of this responsibility means that one no longer lives in a calm world, where he can sit in peace and study Torah. One is going to a place where one’s life will be occupied by constant work, the work of life with all that it entails. It is an entirely different world. As opposed to all the spirituality that existed before, when one could bask in the beauty of the Clouds of Glory above him, here the Clouds of Glory are nowhere to be seen; all that remains are clouds of rain and clouds of dust. This is what those who enter the Land must contend with.” - Excerpt From: Adin Steinsaltz. “Talks on the Parasha.”
Excerpt From: Adin Steinsaltz. “Talks on the Parasha.”
“The spies reached the conclusion that there is no inherent problem with the Land; the problem is the transition from the wilderness to the Land. Their argument is constantly part of our life. Why is this whole headache necessary? What does the Land of Israel possess that makes all this worth it?” - Excerpt From: Adin Steinsaltz. “Talks on the Parasha.”
Excerpt From: Adin Steinsaltz. “Talks on the Parasha.” iBooks.
Excerpt From: Adin Steinsaltz. “Talks on the Parasha.” iBooks.
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